Aaron Lelito


Writer & Artist



Image Gallery



I serve as editor in chief of an online publication called Wild Roof Journal. The mission of WRJ is to bring together visual and literary arts and provide a welcoming platform for artists and writers to reach a larger audience. The creative community that has sprouted up from WRJ since I began the publication in 2020 has been enormously inspiring.

As a freelance editor, I most enjoy working with writers who engage with nature, environmental topics, self-development, personal narrative, psychology, consciousness, Eastern spirituality, and other fields. My approach as editor is not to provide a formula for success; rather, I seek to connect with the writer’s source of inspiration, to clarify the intended messages, and to help polish each piece as it nears completion. There are times when directness has it’s place in the editorial process; however, a light touch also goes a long way when working with projects that writers are passionate about.

As a workshop facilitator, I have experience with all facets of the writing process, from creativity exercises and generating ideas to fine-tuning word choices, punctuation, and layout.

I am a certified mindfulness meditation teacher. In my practice, I define mindfulness as learning to bring our attention to the present moment by focusing on our breath and seeing what arises without judgement or bias.

It’s probably safe to say that our daily interface with the world—jobs, family, and other personal circumstances—is not as clear, gentle, and compassionate as we might wish. Although we cannot change the way the world works and often we cannot change the people around us, we can become more familiar with how we engage with our surroundings, our reactions, our patterns of thought. Things that were once scattered and stress-inducing might soften a bit, settle down, and clarify. They might feel more stable and workable. And that can be quite a change indeed.

I’m currently taking on individual clients with sessions via Zoom. Please send a message on the Contact page to receive further details.

To see some of my own visual art and writing, see the Publications and Gallery pages.

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